Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

TAEYANG RANDOM APPRECIATION POST {Birthday Post #7}, the day is finally winding down and drawing to a close. I know, I know, none of us want the day to end. But cheer up sad VIP! Over the course of the day we have brought you everything from Taeyang's muscles to his mohawk and even his amazing dancing.
Yet...what would the day be if we didn't leave you with a little bit of random, derpy, funny Taeyang just to end things right? I know! So without further interruption, we bring you our final post of the Taeyang appreciation series...RANDOM TAEYANG!
funny tae funny tae2 funny tae3 funny tae4 funny tae5 funny tae6 funny tae7 funny tae8 funny tae9 funny tae10 funny tae11 funny tae7
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Oh that boy...he cracks us up! Thank you for staying with us through out the whole series of posts for Taeyang's birthday! We here at BBU just want to final time...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAEYANG! My this year bring you everything you want and BEYOND!

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