Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Romance Steams Up Between Yoo Ah In and Kim Tae Hee in “Jang Ok Jung”

In the teaser stills revealed today, May 7, by producers of “Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love,” readers can see the romance starting to steam up between Yoo Ah In and Kim Tae Hee. In the first photo, Yoo Ah in, as Lee Soon or King Sukjong, is lying on top of Kim Tae Hee, who plays Jang Ok Jung. Jang Ok Jung is an actual historical figure who was King Sukjong’s concubine. Through the second photo, we can see that Lee Soon and Jang Ok Jung have spent their first night together in the culmination of their secret palace romance.

In episode nine, Jang Ok Jung was thrown out of the palace when Lee Soon fainted after he saved her from danger. But after their first night together, viewers can now expect to see Jang Ok Jung rise to the formal status of King Sukjong’s concubine and a transformation of her character to a villain who expelled Queen In Hyun from the palace, as real history tells it.


Romantis Stearns Up Antara Yoo Ah In dan Kim Tae Hee dalam "Jang Ok Jung"

Dalam teaser stills mengungkapkan hari ini, 7 Mei oleh produsen "Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love," pembaca dapat melihat asmara mulai uap di antara Yoo Ah In dan Kim Tae Hee. Dalam foto pertama, Yoo Ah, sebagai Lee Soon atau Raja Sukjong, berbaring di atas Kim Tae Hee, yang memerankan Jang Ok Jung. Jang Ok Jung adalah tokoh sejarah yang sebenarnya yang selir Raja Sukjong. Melalui foto kedua, kita dapat melihat bahwa Lee Soon dan Jang Ok Jung telah menghabiskan malam pertama mereka bersama-sama di puncak istana asmara rahasia mereka.

Dalam episode sembilan, Jang Ok Jung diusir dari istana ketika Lee Soon pingsan setelah ia menyelamatkan dia dari bahaya. Tapi setelah malam pertama mereka bersama-sama, pemirsa sekarang dapat mengharapkan untuk melihat Jang Ok Jung naik ke status formal selir Raja Sukjong dan transformasi karakter dia seorang penjahat yang diusir Ratu In Hyun dari istana, sebagai sejarah nyata mengatakan itu.

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